Sequois Consulting Inc Logo


(717) 861-4776
Toll Free: (877) 930-5638

Finding Your Ideal Job

We first interview you thoroughly to get to know you, using testing and personality assessments as well as background references. We prepare you for your interviews with specific counseling. We take into account where you would like to work and how you would like to further your career, then put together a profile to begin the search for your ideal position. You are treated as an individual rather than a number and given the service and consideration you deserve.

Services included are:
• Career counselling
• Assessments and skills testing
• Goal orientation
• On-line tutorials in key areas to improve needed skills
• Resume’ rewrite assistance available as neededd placement services.

Business People
Contact us at (717) 861-4776, or (877) 930-5638  in Central, Pennsylvania, to request our helpful employment services and job placement consulting.